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Manage your user roles

Learn how to add roles to each user: Admin, Editor, Reader, and custom roles.

Teri Baines avatar
Written by Teri Baines
Updated over a week ago

Your user roles help you organize and manage access to Chattermill.

Understand user roles

User roles determine which areas of the platform your team members can view and edit within your account. Once you apply a user role, this setting applies to all existing projects. Currently, there’s no way to specify a role for a specific project only.

  • Admin:

    • Access to user management settings and integrations.

    • Add or remove custom themes.

    • Set up custom user roles with permissions that fit your user needs.

    • They can also create, edit, delete reports and dashboards.

  • Editor:

    • Editors can create, duplicate, and edit or delete reports and dashboards.

    • They can add tags, create segments.

    • They can use the product and its features, except for user management, roles, and permissions.

  • Reader:

    • They can view all feedback, analytics, dashboards, and workflows, but they won’t be able to edit or create reports or dashboards.

    • They can receive email and Slack notifications.

    • Browse through comments, themes and phrases.

    • Use the search functionality.

    • Export reports and dashboards to PDF or PNG.

  • Custom roles:

    • This is a role that was specifically created for your company by an admin in your company. The admin who created this role can also designate the functionality and permissions of this role.

To limit a user’s access to specific data, create data permissions groups instead.

Change a user’s role

An admin or a custom role user with the right to manage user settings can change a user’s role anytime. Changes will take effect immediately. Each user can only have 1 assigned role.

  1. Sign in to your account on Chattermill.

  2. On the bottom left, tap your profile icon > Settings.

  3. Select User Management.

  4. Find the user and click on their current role.

  5. Select the new role.

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