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Advanced Feedback Search Techniques
Mikhail Dubov avatar
Written by Mikhail Dubov
Updated over 7 months ago

Basic Queries

Any word typed in the search bar will be considered a sequence of symbols, and the engine will return any comment with this exact sequence (regardless of spaces and adjacent characters). For two or more words the order in which these words appear in the query does not matter.


There are several operators to modify the query and make the search more targeted:

Exact search with " (aka quote marks)

Quotation marks allow us to find the exact phrase within the quotes. This search is not case-sensitive.

Fuzzy search with ~x (aka tilda operator)

Used with a quoted phrase, ~x (where x is a number, eg. ~2 or ~3) defines the number of changes that need to be made to one string to make it the same as another. In practice, this means finding similar phrases to the quoted phrase. The higher the number x the more different the phrases that will be returned.

OR Operator

​Allows to search for either of the words/phrases in the query. This operator (| is also accepted) is already applied by default but can be useful if combined with other operators in complex queries.

AND Operator

Requires the search to match all the words/phrases in the query.

NOT Operator

Allows to exclude words or phrases from the query, so the comment should not include this word or phrase.

Brackets ()

Allows to combine OR, AND and NOT Operators and sets their order of application.

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